Motivation of YODA
Made up of youth volunteers from diverse backgrounds and ages, YODA aspires to bring together the youths in Singapore and engage them through various activities to develop their understanding of Islam. By applying the knowledge from their day-to-day dealing with both Muslims and potential Muslims, our youth volunteers are empowered to embrace the communal spirit with individuals of different creed, religion and culture with respect and understanding.
If you are between the ages of 16 and 25 years, and are currently studying in a secondary, madrasah or tertiary institution, we want you to join YODA. Be part of our dynamic youth group and be empowered to organize a wide range of programs ranging from camps to forums, sports challenges, plays and debates, to promote social cohesion and inculcate Islamic values as part of our youth’s lifestyle. For more information, you may contact yoda@mcas.sg