
Volunteers represent an integral feature and component of Darul Arqam Singapore. They assist to facilitate a range of services from management to operational duties and assignments in accordance with the needs of the organisation. The volunteers have contributed significantly in varied deployments, i.e. event management, training, celebrations, Zakat programmes, in-house activities and other initiatives to enhance our service to the people.

Volunteering is a positive avenue to perform good deeds for the community, meet new people, and at the same time, develop a sense of fulfilment and knowledge of our surroundings.

What Activities or Programmes Can You Volunteer for?

  • Administrative
  • Amil
  • Event Management
  • Legal Clinic
  • Ramadhan Iftar
  • Befrienders
  • Youth of Darul Arqam (YODA) (18-25yrs old)
  • Classes and Courses
  • Fakir Miskin Programmes
and more!

How to Volunteer:

  1. Complete the Volunteer Registration Form below.
  2. You will be invited to a Volunteer Orientation session, which provides an overview of the programmes conducted by Darul Arqam Singapore and the various capacities in which the volunteers can contribute

Our Volunteer Groups