The Takbir
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is Greatest, Allah is Greatest, Allah is Greatest
Laa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, Allah is Greatest
Allahu Akbar Wa Lillaahil Hamd
Allah is Greatest and to Him belongs all praise
Allahu Akbar Kabeera, Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Katheera
Allah is the Greatest and All praise is due to Allah in abundance
Wasubhaanallahi Bukratan Wa Aseela
And glory to Allah in the early morning and the late afternoon
Laa Ilaaha Illallahu Wahdah
There is no god except Allah, the One and Only
Sadaqa wa’dah, Wa Nasara ‘abdah
He fulfilled His promise, Helped His servant
Wa a’azza Jundahu Wa Hazamal Ahzaaba Wahdah
Strengthened His forces and Alone routed out the clans
Laa Ilaaha Illallah
There is no god except Allah
Walaa Na ‘abudu Illa Iyyaahu, Mukhliseena la Huddeen
And we worship none but Him, offering Him sincere devotion
Walau Karihal Kafiruun
even if the non-believers are not in favour of it
Laa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar
There is no god but Allah, Allah is Greatest
Allaahu Akbar Wa Lillaahil Hamd
Allah is Greatest and to Him belongs all praise