Sponsored Podcasts
By Muslim Converts’ Association of Singapore (Darul Arqam)
NJU Series
Podcast hosted by 3 witty NJU hosts (Dzar Ismail, Dyn Norahim & Raja Radzi) along with non-Judgemental Ustaz & Ustazah. This podcast is a Q&A session from the listeners to the asatizah in regards to any religion-related issues without judging their background knowledge. Podcast is being conducted mostly in Malay Language.
2023’s NJU
- What is Project Ansar? by Brother Hafidz Abdullah & Brother Amiruddin Reduan
Does converting to Islam equals to being a changing of racial status? How does MCAS ensure that every convert stay motivated to be a Muslim? How to be an Ansari and what are the process to be an Ansari?
- Criteria of being an Ansari by Brother Hafidz Abdullah & Brother Amiruddin Reduan
Why is there such a strict policy in place to become an Ansar? How does MCAS find a suitable personal to be an Ansari? Does Darul Arqam make it compulsory for them to be onboarded into this programme after they have converted? Also, who is Ansaris in the context of the Quran?
- Milestone of Project Ansar by Brother Hafidz Abdullah & Brother Amiruddin Reduan
How do you ensure the convert learns Islam continuously? What are some of the key milestones that Project Ansar hope for these new Muslims to achieve in their first year of becoming a Muslim?
- Direction of Project Ansar by Brother Imran Kuna
MCAS has been around for decades, supporting converts all these years. How did the idea of Project Ansar come about & why is there a need for this new initiative? As the immediate Past President, what is the direction of Project Ansar?
- Expansion of Project Ansar by Brother Imran Kuna
Considering how large Project Ansar can scale up to across Singapore, are MUIS & the mosques involved in Project Ansar? If so, how? Will Project Ansar be having branding, perhaps including some merchandising, that can boost the marketing of Project Ansar?
- Are Muslim community in Singapore open towards converts? by Brother Imran Kuna
Do you feel that the general Muslim community in Singapore are open towards converts integrating into the larger Muslim community in Singapore? If no, are there plans to bridge the gap? How do you see Project Ansar & converts in general in 5 years’ time?
- Volunteer Experience with Brother Shameer Dalkhan & Sister Zuraidah Daud
What does volunteering with Project Ansar mean to you? How did you enjoy the training program at Project Ansar thus far?
- Experience volunteering with converts with Brother Shameer Dalkhan & Sister Zuraidah Daud
In your experience, how do converts learn Islam and practise the faith at their own level of knowledge? How do converts & Project Ansar volunteers support one another during the likes of Ramadhan & Syawal?
- Supportiveness of Converts community to the newly converted with Brother Shameer Dalkhan & Sister Zuraidah Daud
How supportive are the experienced Muslim converts’ community to a newly-converted Muslim?
- Pearls of Ramadhan with Ustazah Bushra & Sister Atiqah Adam
Religion is like the air that you breathe to live. Learn about the Dawah initiatives organised by MCAS and also our Ramadhan events and programmes in the spirit of Ramadhan.
- EIB (English Islamic Bookshop) with Brother Shahril Samri dan Sister Azlinda
What is EIB? Aside from selling books, what are the activities that is organised by EIB for the public? Check out their latest updates on their Instagram : theenglishislamicbookstore and Facebook: eibdarularqam.
- (YODA) Youth of Darul Arqam with Syafiq Mardi
What kind of programmes that focuses on the youth organised by MCAS? How can you look out for YODA events and programmes?
2022’s NJU
- Introduction to MCAS by Sister Norsiah Saad
MCAS only for converts and conversion of religion? Listen to this episode to learn about what we do in MCAS and what activities do we organise for the Muslim and becoming Muslim community!
- Da’wah Awareness Training Programme by Sister Fistri Abdul Rahim
What is DATP? What do we do at DATP? Listen to sister Fistri, our participant from the first batch of DATP, shares her experience from the programme.
- Story of a Convert by Sister Angel Lim
Convert because of love or for the religion? Listen to Sister Angel sharing her point of view before converting and as a convert.
- Post-Conversion Classes by Ustazah Nuraizah Amin
Want to know more about Quranic Literacy, Let’s Pray 2 and Tauhid classes? Listen to hear the elaboration of these classes by Ustazah Nuraizah.
- Da’wah Talk by Ustazah Bushra
What are the types of talk that MCAS organise? Why do we invite certain speakers for our programme? Let’s hear Ustazah Bushra’s explanation on our Da’wah Talk as one of our Da’wah movement.
- Love Upon Light (Upcoming Portal) by Ustazah Bushra
Why another portal? How is it different from other Islamic portal? Listen to Ustazah Bushra as she explains on how different is the approach of our upcoming portal.
- Project Ansar & Project Light By Brother Imran Kuna
These NEW projects were launched to help our converts in their transition into Islam.
- Story of a Convert 2.0 by Brother Imran Kuna
Learn about the changes that Brother Imran has to go through to perfect his religious practices and being a Muslim.
- Ramadhan Programme at MCAS by Brother Junaidi
What are the activities that MCAS organise to lift up the spirit of Ramadhan? Listen in to find out the activities that we organise in MCAS during Ramadhan!