12 sessions per module, weekly
This course focuses on the recitation of the Quran. It covers details from the basics of the 28 Arabic alphabets to the rules of proper articulation, intonation and emphasis that shape the beautiful recitation of the Quran.
The Iqra’ method emphasises the phonetic method of teaching. Through this method, students learn on recognizing individual Arabic alphabets and its vowels before learning on how to read the words and eventually sentences from the Quran.
This method provides a step-by-step guide for students from knowing the 28 individual alphabets of Arabic, the vowels, the forming of alphabets into words and learning to recite Quran completely.
Book used: The 6 Iqra’ Books developed by Ustaz Haji As’ad Humam.
Compared to the traditional method of learning the Quran through recognizing the Arabic alphabets and eventually the ability to read words and sentences, this method offers a different approach in learning Quran recitation.
Students are introduced to Arabic words first, and thereafter recognize the individual alphabets and how they are pronounced..
Book used: ‘Haqqa Tilawatih’ developed by Ustaz Iskandar Bin MYA.